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More Work
Driving Cattle
The Meadows
(Pushcart Prize Nominee)
The Flower Lady
The Umbrella Factory
The Sauna
BoomerLit Mag
Want, Have, Need
The Monarch Review
Things heard and not seen
Oxford Magazine, Page 43/44 Issu
(Glimmer Train, Honorable Mention)
Pas de Deux
Green Hills Literary Lantern
SF Gate
Two Couples on Coke
Driving Cattle

The first serious writing practice I had was pen pal to Tracie in Hayes, Bromley, Kent, England. I was eight. My first paid gig was after college writing for a recruitment ad agency. “The help wanted ads in back of the newspaper?” my father asked. From there I graduated to clothing tags at The Gap and then ad agencies in Silicon Valley where I learned how to virtually test an integrated circuit, witnessed the birth of the Internet, and helped GM and the White House launch their first websites. I have published many personal essays and short stories.
Let's chat.

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